Dear not yet 18
I’m writing to warn you of a scary and unnatural force that may destroy you and no I am not talking about monsters that live on the hill, or lecturers who are vampires or (dare I say it) communal bathrooms. I’m talking about first year spread a force so diabolical you won’t know what has happened until it’s too late.
I know that at this time in your life you fit comfortably into a size 10 and aren’t afraid to give passers by a jolly wave. I remember the days when you used to eat anything and everything, including in your younger years objects I will not mention. That my friend is about to change, the allure of chocolates, ice-cream and coke will be too much for your older body. Therefore I’ve decided to impart onto you some gems of wisdom to protect you from first year spread. Firstly doing your own shopping does not mean you can reward yourself with a slab of chocolate. Secondly just because someone in the Dinning Hall does not want their pudding does not mean you need to take it off their hands, because there are starving people in Ethiopia. Lastly, walking to the shops to get a coke does not count as exercise. I do believe that covers some important aspects of first year spread.
Ultimately my friend, it is your life and I know despite my warnings you are going to do what you want. I believe one of your favourite sayings is appropriate at this moment in time and that is “you only live once, eat to your fullest”.
All the best and keep in touch my younger self, I will miss you.
Peace and love
I’m writing to warn you of a scary and unnatural force that may destroy you and no I am not talking about monsters that live on the hill, or lecturers who are vampires or (dare I say it) communal bathrooms. I’m talking about first year spread a force so diabolical you won’t know what has happened until it’s too late.
I know that at this time in your life you fit comfortably into a size 10 and aren’t afraid to give passers by a jolly wave. I remember the days when you used to eat anything and everything, including in your younger years objects I will not mention. That my friend is about to change, the allure of chocolates, ice-cream and coke will be too much for your older body. Therefore I’ve decided to impart onto you some gems of wisdom to protect you from first year spread. Firstly doing your own shopping does not mean you can reward yourself with a slab of chocolate. Secondly just because someone in the Dinning Hall does not want their pudding does not mean you need to take it off their hands, because there are starving people in Ethiopia. Lastly, walking to the shops to get a coke does not count as exercise. I do believe that covers some important aspects of first year spread.
Ultimately my friend, it is your life and I know despite my warnings you are going to do what you want. I believe one of your favourite sayings is appropriate at this moment in time and that is “you only live once, eat to your fullest”.
All the best and keep in touch my younger self, I will miss you.
Peace and love
i couldn't agree with you more, there is nothing more painful than going into edgars and realising that you've moved up a size... or two!!!!!!!!
Dear not yet 18
I couldn’t agree with you more, the terror of ‘first year spread’ really does sneak up on us in the most inappropriate ways. Most of us make the tragic mistake of coming to varsity with the notion in mind that three meals a day will ever be enough to keep us from growing hungry at night. Therefore in order to avoid starving we stroll down to Pick n Pay where we buy those much needed odd’s and ends that will keep our stomachs satisfied, and yes, like you say, we often mistake the walk to and from the shops as an adequate amount of exercise. Additional exercise needs to be practiced in order to properly avoid the monster known as ‘First year spread’ and a gym membership is a great place to start. I agree, you do only live once, so live life large…metaphorically not physically.
Dear Skater K
I know exactly how you feel. Res food is often so inedible (I'm thinking healthplatter goulash aka 'dog food look-a-like) that you feel compelled to go to Pirates pizza and pig out. Another reason first year spread hits is because sometimes food equals comfort, and when you’re feeling homesick those care packages of rusks, sweets and biscuits your overly concerned mother sends are just so helpful. In my letter to my skinnier self, I warned my younger self to stay away from the toast. You have to agree that toast is certainly another reason why our favourite jeans have become our ‘skinny jeans’. Although, that could just be the tumble drier!
Yours in peace and healthy eating
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