The nerd comic

Posted by K on 4:51 AM

The basic storyline of our comic is Gregory the biggest nerd you will ever meet heads off to Rhodes. Gregory gets lost, harassed by a jock and makes a fool of himself infront of the girl he likes. When all seems lost he meets a dodgy beggar who gives him a magical "lipice" which turns him into the coolest kid at Rhodes. Yeah he gets the girl and it's a happy ending :)


Comment by Anonymous on October 16, 2008 at 7:16 AM

hahaha. Very good, guys! Very professional... all your costumes and camera angles and stuff... And it has a storyline! (unlike some other ones I've seen) Awesome :)

Comment by bubbly "B" on October 16, 2008 at 3:14 PM

this was of the most fun things we've done in journ all year.. maybe its coz i have the best group members eva!!

Comment by Fa on October 20, 2008 at 4:18 AM

I love this comic because it high lights some of the serious struggles a first year has to face in a funny way. By using the typical nerd in this comic you guys are showing the other type of Rhodes student. The villain in this comic is the bulling jock and society. In society the nerd never gets the girl. In a dramatic turn of events the nerd becomes cool and finally gets the girl. Although this comic is about one guy it can be applied to all first year students. When coming to university for the first time everyone is a nerd and it takes time to find yourself and become the person you are meant to be. This is a very cleaver comic with a really good story line. I love the way the hero has a happy ending even if it is just the beginning.

Comment by Sarah on October 20, 2008 at 11:40 AM
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Comment by Sarah on October 20, 2008 at 11:45 AM

I thoroughly enjoyed your comic as I felt that it dealt with an issue that we all feel at times; like we don’t fit. I know that I personally felt this way when I first came to Rhodes though I may not be a nerd like Gregory is. The feelings of awe at being at Rhodes, loneliness and homesickness are all ones that we all have dealt with during the course of the year. Though not all of go through such a radical transformation like Gregory but we all grow and change in some way.
I loved your use of the classic Proppian characters like the hero, villain and dispatcher. The use of the stereotypical jock as the villain was a great foil for our hero Gregory, making him even more lovable. Though the story was the classic tale of a hero’s transformation, you approached in a fun and humorous way that represented both reality and fantasy.
Looking at it in a classically Toddorovian way, you really utilised the concepts of equilibrium as well as the disruption of the equilibrium.
Well done on producing such a high quality comic which represents the trials of all first years but allows us to laugh at them!

Comment by Prof. Local on October 20, 2008 at 1:00 PM

Once he tastes the cookies, he can not get his hands of the cookie jar...
I liked the way a stereotypical occurance such as being unable to fit-in was portrayed in this comic strip. There is humour and a fresh angle to it.
I will focus on two scholars' ideas to apply to the story line. First, there is a clear disruption of equilibrium, Todorov's notion. Here the hero's values were changed by the new environment, because he was not cool enough for the "new Rhodes experience". Eventually the hero was inserted in a new equilibrium, where he was happy (and scoring..hehe!).

The second theorist, is Propp who says media or stories can be understood as a "morphology of fairy-tale", meaning that the plot is far-feched and the hero ends up with the princess, just like we have seen in the comic strip.

Guys, you managed to forge a good storyline and added humour as your chosen genre on an arkward topic. Well done, I hope your tutor wasn't stingy...did those two kiss???

**plese check-out our blogg for our new heated discussions>

Prof. Local